The Art of Slowing down

1 year ago
Life & Fulfilment

The Art of Slowing Down

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." - Anne Lamott


Photography 1 Credits: Lauryn Sherwood @laurynsminolta


Lately, I found myself hearing the same message repeated to me in various ways - "slow down," "take it slowly," "ease up". This has resonated deeply with me, especially in my previous professional experience as a high school teacher. 


Slowing Down Can Help You Live a More Fulfilling Life

I have realized that embracing this message was crucial for my wellbeing, since I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. By taking the time to slow down and approach my work with more intention and mindfulness, I was able to stay physically and mentally healthy and find greater fulfillment in my role as a teacher. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, in the midst of all this chaos, it's important to take a step back and embrace the "slow down" strategy.

Professionally, in my role as a teacher, I found myself caught up in the whirlwind of curriculum, exams, and deadlines. However, it was only when I embraced this  "slow down" strategy that I began to truly enjoy and make the most out of my role. I realized that by slowing down, I could create a learning environment that was not just about academic achievement, but one that also celebrated interactive discussions, fun activities, and creativity - an environment more conducive to learning. 


 Pause and Connect with Yourself and Others 

By taking the time to truly connect with my colleagues, I was able to foster an environment of mutual understanding and support. Listening to their stories, challenges, and aspirations, allowed me to forge new connections and build bridges of empathy, compassion, and friendship that transcended the boundaries of our work roles.

As a coach, I understood the importance of giving my coachees ample space to think, reflect, and acknowledge their own experiences. By providing them with a non-judgmental environment, I was able to create a safe space where they could explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.


The Key to Recharging Your Life

To start incorporating this "slow down" strategy into your life, the first step is to acknowledge the need to slow down. Take a moment to reflect on your stress, and consider the impact it's having on your life and relationships. Once you've recognized the need to slow down, you can begin to make small changes to your daily routine.


Finding Balance in a Fast-Paced World

By adding moments of mindfulness to your daily routine, such as during meals, conversations with colleagues, or walks in nature, you can cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and calm. This can help reduce stress and anxiety while increasing focus and productivity.


Taking note of the difference that slowing down makes on yourself and those around you, will help you to gain greater appreciation for this practice. You may find that you feel more energized and engaged in your work and relationships, and that your interactions with others become more meaningful and fulfilling.


(Photography 2 Credits: Lauryn Sherwood @laurynsminolta)


To truly embrace the benefits of slowing down, it's important to remind yourself regularly of the impact it can have on your life and the lives of those around you. By making this practice a habit and incorporating it into your daily routine, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life, both for yourself and for those you interact with.